Eddie In Ernest Hemingway's A View From The Bridge

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Part A:

When Eddie dies he meets five people in heaven, each person teaches him a valuable lesson. The first person that Eddie meets is The Blue Man, a man that ingested silver nitrate to cure his nerves. Instead of helping, it turned his skin blue, turning him into an outcast, causing him to lose his job, and turn to the Ruby pier sideshow for work. This is how Eddies life interacts with The Blue Man, as Eddie lived close to the pier. When Eddie is young he chases a baseball onto the street, at the same time that The Blue Man is driving. This causes The Blue Man to swerve, which ends up saving Eddie but killing The Blue Man. He teaches Eddie that nothing in life is random, and that every life has a purpose, he teaches this by explaining that good came from his death; the good being …show more content…

He has taught me that relationships are more than just feeling, they are commitments, choosing to love them everyday. Even through the hard days, the anxiety attacks and the problems. I think that he would reinforce for me the lesson that love remains when you fight for it everyday. I believe this because were I to die tomorrow, I would say that he definitely was the love of my life. Ending up with him despite all of the problems that life gave us would show me that love truly does remain when you are willing to fight for it. This contributes to my journey to attain the good because it makes me see that all of the comments I’ve held back, things I’ve sacrificed for relationships, and energy I’ve put in were for something. Kant’s theory of the good is to do our duty for no other reason besides that it’s our duty. Learning the lesson of commitment teaches me to achieve good because I act faithful, understanding, and open, simply because it is my duty in a relationship. By learning the lesson of commitment I can better follow Kant’s theory of achieving the