The Book Of Job's Suffering

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The book of Job is the source for the reason that people suffer. Job provides an example for suffering. YHWH has a plan for everyone and sometimes he decides to test people through suffering. However, this book is problematic because instead of presenting a god who tests people, YHWH is portrayed like an abuser. The differences between the time this book was written, and modern society is evident. Instead of explaining Himself, YHWH believes he should never be questioned, creating a rift between the reader, who knowns the reason, and YHWH. Job can be a source of comfort for those who are suffering, however, that can be exceedingly difficult, now, especially for those who suffered in abusive relationships.
Job is a righteous man from Uz. …show more content…

YHWH has good and righteous people suffer so he can test them. If people remain faithful to YHWH during difficult times, then He rewards them. People should not question YHWH during these times because He has a plan and they will be rewarded. When Job’s wife and friends tell him to abandon YHWH, he does not listen. Many Christians find comfort in this lesson; however, this book is problematic. YHWH does not decide to test Job on his own. He challenges Satan, making Job’s suffering like a game. When Job questions YHWH’s reasons, instead of explaining, He gets angry. Job asks how there can be justice in the world if righteous people suffer and evil people prosper. YHWH claims that Job has no reason to question him and Job agrees saying that he is unworthy of knowing the answer. This is problematic because YHWH is in the wrong, and he chastises Job. Satan did not harm Job on his own accord, YHWH told him to harm Job. It is not a test from YHWH for Job, it is a game between Satan and YHWH with Job as the pawn. For ancient Israelites, these problems would not be apparent. Modern readers can see the abusive behavior. Characteristics of abusers is to turn their wrongdoings onto their victim and somehow make it the victim’s fault. YHWH displays this behavior in the book of Job. People not in this situation can see how wrong it is and will urge the victim to leave the abuser and oftentimes, the victim is unwilling to leave,