The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Genocide Quotes

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"And I have listened to what you have to say, even though your youth and inexperience force you to phrase things in an insolent manner. “- Bruno's Father. All throughout history, there have been scores of people in power who have their own version of a perfect society. Despite their different end games, they all use the same means to achieve them: Genocide. From the oppression because of the political uprising in Syria, as far back as the backdrop of Boyne’s “The Boy in Striped Pajamas”, The Holocaust, several of histories warlords have used genocide in order to obtain some form of desired result, either a perfect race or the quelling of dissent.
In Boyne’s “The Boy in Striped Pajamas”, he offers a glimpse in which Bruno’s father rationalizes the Holocaust, a quote that can be attributed to the apparent mindset of the regime in Syria that is responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of its own citizens. Bruno’s father states, “This is my work, important work. Important to our country. Important to the Fury. You'll understand that someday." Like the people in power in Syria, Bruno’s father reasons that such actions are for the betterment of their nation, if not the world, in spite of the death and destruction that both Adolf Hitler and Syrian president …show more content…

A similar case could be found when, upon their invasion of Poland, Hitler and his assistant, in charge of the ‘Final Solution’ operation, Reinhard Heydrich. In both of these instances, the men in power used the guise of warfare to conceal plans of genocide, either against the Jewish populations of Eastern Europe, or the Sunni Muslims of Syria, and occasionally