
The Boy Who Cried Wolf

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Fables Traditional literature is ancient literature that started as oral stories that were handed down from generation to generation. Oral stories were a universal source of entertainment before most people could read and write. One example of traditional literature form is a fable. Fables are usually brief, concise stories that teach a valuable lesson or moral. Fables are stories that often use animals to help convey the moral lessons in a story. Most of the time animals take on physical characteristics of people, and they can communicate with others like people can do. By using animals, morals can be taught in a way that is not judgmental. All children need certain values to function effectively in society. Teachers should provide literature …show more content…

A young shepherd boy was watching the sheep. The townspeople told him that if he saw a wolf to yell, and they would come to help him. Day after day, nothing happened and he grew bored. One day, he decided to alarm the townspeople even though there was no wolf. The townspeople were furious when they realized the shepherd boy had tricked them. He proceeded to do this three more times. Finally, there really is a wolf stalking the sheep. The boy screams for help. He declares that there really is a wolf. However, no one comes to the rescue of the sheep. When someone lies over and over, that person is not believed even when they are telling the truth is the moral of the story. A …show more content…

The hare brags about his speed. The tortoise challenges the hare to a race. The hare is overconfident and believes that there is no way that the slow tortoise can win the race. He takes his time and even stops for a nap. He wakes up to see the tortoise crossing the finish line. The moral of the story is that slow and steady win the race. In the fable, The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, the town mouse visits his cousin, the country mouse. The town mouse cannot believe the country mouse only eats grains and lives uncomfortably. He invites the country mouse to visit the city. He tells him that he can eat all the decadent food that he wants. There is an abundant amount of food; however, there are also humans and a cat present. The moral of the story is that it is better to live humbly than to live in fear. In the fable The Mouse and the Lion, a lion wakes up and catches a mouse that is running across him. The mouse tells the lion that if he is let go that one day he will save the lion. The lion finds the mouse hilarious and lets him go. After a while, the mouse finds the lion trapped in a hunter’s trap. The mouse saves the lion by gnawing through the ropes. The moral is everyone no matter how small they are can make a

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