The Boys Party Poem

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"One Girl at the Boys Party" is a poem that's used as a mathematical comparison throughout the poem. The poem is seen from the mother perspective after dropping off her daughter to an all boys swimming party and she contrasts her height to the boys, “They tower and / bristle, she stands there smooth and sleek” ( “Olds” 2-3 ). I feel like this is to illustrate how the opposite sex are complicated as math problems. The daughter’s body is being compared to “prime numbers” ( “Olds” 6 ). She mainly describes her daughter's appearance. Their legs, two each, and the curves of their sexes, one each, and in her head she’ll be doing her wild multiplying, as the drops sparkle and fall to the power of a thousand from her body. ( “Olds” 19-20 ) She is able to understand the complexities that go on between the boys and the one girl, and is able to calculate the situation to get a deeper understanding of …show more content…

In moments they feel that they have a better understanding of everything in a way that is as concrete as mathematics. I don’t really agree with this because a lot of variables exist in every given situation. Especially children ability to exponentially surprise their parents by not allowing themselves to be negated by the pressures of people are defined in terms of concrete numbers. I also found it odd that she brought such sexual references into a poem about the girl young enough to wear a bathing suit "with hamburgers and french fries printed on it" (which I think is ugly in my opinion) and referencing the boys "curve of their sexes" ( “Olds” 14 and 19 ). I assume this was to portray how early parents worry about their children behaving in a sexual manner, but I still found it very uncomfortable how blatantly she refers to the sexuality of young