
The Boys Who Challenged Hitler Chapter Summary

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The Boys Who Challenged Hitler:Knud Pedersen and the Churchill Club Period 5 Dalton Haydel The Boys Who Challenged Hitler, by Phillip Hoose, is about the resistance movement started by teenagers during World War Two (WWII). Hoose visited Denmark and learned about the resistance movement while touring the Museum of Danish Resistance in Copenhagen. There, Hoose first learned about the “Churchill Club,” started by a small group of teenage boys who began the Danish Resistance Movement. Hoose desired to write the story of the Churchill Club in English; hence, The Boys Who Challenged Hitler came to life. Hoose contacted one of the members who was still living, Knud Pedersen, and flew to interview him to write a book that would …show more content…

For example, on page 128 the Vi Vil Vinde (We will Win) propaganda is shown. This propaganda encouraged Danish resistance fighters to continue their missions, and in it is written, “The schoolboys of Aalborg should be allowed to compare their actions with some of the best that take place in other occupied countries.” Reading those words leaves the reader to feel in awe by the actions of a few teenage boys and the impact they had on their country. This also reminded me that even young people can make a difference in the most troubling times. The strengths of this book are the interviews Hoose included from meeting with Knud Pedersen and the fact boxes scattered throughout the book. The accounts come to life when Knud speaks of the Churchill Club in such a way that makes the reader feel part of the resistance movement. At times, I could even feel my heart racing a bit and didn’t want to put down the book. In my opinion, I cannot find any weaknesses of this book. I was engaged throughout the entire book and looked forward to finding out what happened to the members of the Churchill

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