The Breakfast Club Essay

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The self is “the individual’s conscious, reflective experience of a personal identity, separate and distinctive from others” (Ferris and Stein, 2010, p. 100).There are many theories on the self. My theory starts off with id, ego, and superego. To explain id is the selfish portion, ego is the reason that controls the id, and superego is the conscious and controls public behavior (Ferris and Stein, 2010). Personally, I believe this Psychoanalytic Theory is the best method to explain the self and how the self is created. Although I believe this, I see all the similarities between other theories and my own. All of the theories involve social influences. These influences are called agents of socialization, meaning your family, school, peers, and media influence you and who you are (Ferris and Stein, 2010).These influences help …show more content…

The movie only shows the students in detention who have been affected. The students are from different cliques’. The parents are shown at the beginning of the movie and then at the end, but the parents influence was the main agent of socialization. After the parents influence the school, peers, and media influences comes in. You can see the social hierarchy or social stratification of the students and their groups. (Ferris and Stein, 2010). There is the brain, athlete, basket case, princess and a criminal. The brain is a student named Brian, he is in academic clubs and hangs out with the people you’d call nerds. In his group they look up to the preps and jocks.His parents push him to be the smartest. Next student is the athlete, Richard. His group is the jocks and they looks down on Brian and people like Bender, the criminal. His father pushes him to be a jock and to be strong. Then there is Allison, the anomie or better known as a person without strong social bonds and alienated socially (Ferris and Stein, 2010).She steals and lies. Her parents ignore