The Bridgeper-Personal Narrative

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Bridgeport was one of the finest cities. And in a fine city, the finest of people are the ones who are famous. And the finest person in Bridgeport was Sakura Lee. Sakura was a fortune teller. She had long black hair, fair skin, and hazel eyes. She was quiet, yet famous for her predictions. Some said Sakura was a fraud. But Sakura had heard it before. Her father had once been a fortune teller, and people had dismissed his crazy theories. Yet, they were always right. Sakura lived alone in her step-mother’s old mansion. Her step-mother had always hated Sakura, because Sakura could make anyone smile. When Sakura had turned 16, she had told her step-mother that one day, “a eerie accident would end her life.” Soon enough, Sakura’s step-mother …show more content…

You didn’t seem like yourself. I realized he had tossed something away. It was a glass vial, old and cracked. He must have sedated you. Later, I saw him come out alone. He seemed pleased. But, the worst part of all was this.” Lilly stretched her hand out, revealing a glass vial. Inside was a long, black hair. Sakura understood. The man she had met hadn’t collected butterflies, he collected woman. But, there was nothing Sakura could do. The next morning, when Sakura got up, she noticed that she was putting on some weight. Pulling on her midnight blue robe, Sakura headed to the gym. For two hours, Sakura worked on the treadmill. But, pains and cramps came to her as well. Soon, Sakura needed to stop. At home, the faults continued. Sakura’s dresses felt tight, and she felt nauseas. One morning, a few days after it had all started, Sakura decided to call the hospital, and make an appointment. Getting out a blue binder, Sakura found the contact information for Sacred Spleen Memorial Hospital, then checked the time. 7:45. The hospital didn’t open til 8. Sighing, Sakura headed to the kitchen. Sitting on the counter was Sakura’s laptop. She had mounted it to the desk, so she couldn’t carry it around. Sakura didn’t like how people got sucked into computers,