The Buck Private Sparknotes

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Corrales, Nancy Mrs.Stagg English III CP-P.6 24 May 2023 The Power of Propaganda In the satiric play, “The Buck Private” (1965), by American playwright, Luis Miguel Valdez, argues the Vietnam war as a significantly life changing event for Americans; he utilizes an entertaining and ironic narrator, Death, as the role of the Vietnam War so the audience can recognizes the immense effect this character sets forth on many young American men. Valdez supports his argument by showcasing the death of an American soldier who enlisted in the Vietnam War. The author wishes to inform the audience about the Vietnam War that way Americans put an end to glamorizing war and start comprehending the risks. Valdez writes in an informal tone for the twenty-first …show more content…

As the story comes to an end, Johnny comprehends the dangers of wars when he’s placed on the battlefield. After Death discusses the tragedy of Johnny he asserts: “But before he died he saw many things in Vietnam; he had his eyes opened. He told his mother about them” (Luis Valdez). The purpose of this citation reveals to the readers that young American men do not possess knowledge regarding the reality of war. It's evident that the power of propaganda took control over countless young men who did not process the dangers of war until the end. To add on, Johnny writes in a letter to his mother asserting: I don’t know how much more I can stand. Please tell Sap and all the dudes how it’s like over here. Don’t let them….. (Luis Valdez). The author leaves the audience with the power to interpret and analyze what Johnny attempted to write before the ellipsis. The death of Johnnyleaves the audience feeling sympathy for him. Johnny indulges the tragedy of a victim of the government's propaganda into assuming a better life for him after the war. Johnny makes an effort to write in his letter to his mother the horrifying reality of war, he uses his heroic characteristic to try and convince others not to enlist in war. Some people can argue the fact that Johnny can not be portrayed as a hero for the reason in which he drank as well as enlisted for “selfish” reasons …show more content…

In order to demonstrate a heroic perspective one must volunteer willingly to do something honorable, Johnny like any other young American man willingly chooses to enlist with good intentions rather than waiting on the government to enlist them. Johnny could not portray un-heuristic since his emotions of the war illustrated fear, he did not want to shoot anyone, but rather warn others of the reality. The author wants to advise and enlighten the twenty-first century audience about the reality of war so that Americans can comprehend permanent consequences established in wars such as the soul taking Vietnam War. The play, The Buck Private, by Luis Valdez appears relevant in today's world because it brings a great awareness to how life moved during the mid-late nineteenth century, by knowing this the audience learns the importance of trusting your intuition, being responsible, and not repeating