The CO-O-Apocalypse: A Short Story

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Carl sat upon the edge of the lake skipping rocks to pass time. His dad, Rick, came and sat down beside him, easing into the awkward silence that lie between them. "Dad do you think we will ever go back to the way it was before after all of this is over?" Carl asks as he turns over to face his dad, acknowledging his dad's presence. "How what was before?" his dad asks slightly confused "before all of the zombies?" Carl nods, turning away from Rick. "I miss having friends, cars, and electricity. Life is so hard now." Carl mutters out, as a tone of sadness washes over him. "After the apocalypse is over, we can start again. We can start a new company for electricity. We can make new friends and we can try to live life the way it was before." "How can we start a new electric company?" Carl asks with a pitch of curiosity in his voice. "First off, we need to find people who care about the others in their community. That’s what we need to start with. Electric CO-OPs are owned by the people who care, not the government. The people who run these CO-OPs care about the safety and needs of their community." Rick pauses for a moment, making sure Carl is understands what he's …show more content…

The first is voluntary and open membership which states that the CO-OPs are voluntary organizations for all people who use their memberships and responsibilities correctly. The second is democratic member control which says the CO-OPs are strictly democratic and are ruled by the people, for the people. Members' economic participation is the third principle and it means the people who contribute equally control the capital, again like democracy. The fourth principle is autonomy and independence which means the CO-OPs are anonymous organizations for self-help that are controlled by their members." Rick pauses for a minute and looks over at Carl, who is skipping rocks once again, "are you keeping