The CSI Effect: Juror's Perception Of Forensic Evidence

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The CSI effect describes the way CSI is exaggerated on crime television shows such as CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and Sherlock which influences public perception. As a result, Jurors have come to have unrealistic expectations about the quantity, quality, and availability of scientific evidence, thereby raising the effective standard of proof for prosecutors. As technology improves and becomes more prevalent throughout society, people may also develop higher expectations for the capabilities of forensic technology. The csi effect creates unrealistic expectations of the public and has raised the juror’s expectations of the crime investigating field. The csi effect modifies the public’s perception of crime investigating through stereotyping and creating false myths. Aspects of crime investigation such as timing, technology, efficiency and accuracy of the process have …show more content…

This has resulted in an increased demand for prosecution to produce viable and tangible forensic evidence, in order to satisfy the high standard of proof in criminal proceedings. Donald E. Shelton conducted a survey in which he wanted to discover the amount of jurors that expected the prosecution to provide some form of scientific evidence; his findings showed that “46 percent expected to see some kind of scientific evidence in every criminal case. 22 percent expected to see DNA evidence in every criminal case. 36 percent expected to see fingerprint evidence in every criminal case. And 32 percent expected to see ballistic or other firearms laboratory evidence in every criminal case.” This statistic shows how the CSI effect is raising expectations of jurors and when the expectations of the jurors are raised it becomes hard for prosecutors and court cases in general because due to the expectations of the jurors not being met there then becomes a lack of conviction in

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