The Candomblé: Cult Or Religion Of Brazil

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The Candomblé is a cult or religion of African origin that was taken to Brazil by the slaves. Some historians indicate that slaves from countries currently known as Nigeria and Republic of Benin brought this religion to the country. The Candomblé followers worship the deities, who are gods or African deities representing the forces of nature, the Orishas.
The Candomblé designation is most popular in the state of Bahia, in Brazil, where the African culture is stronger than in other states. The rituals of Candomblé are led by “mãe-de-santo” (woman) or “pai-de-santo” (man), and there is a definite hierarchy. Often the rituals are characterized by dances in worship of the deity, which embody the holy “son” or “daughter” of the deity. Demonstrations

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