The Cash Register In 1851: The Second Half Of The Nineteenth Century

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The Cash Register What do you see in almost every store to restaurant across the world nowadays? Yes! The cash register, mostly to make transactions easier. Now you are probably thinking the cash register isn't very important, but it is. Think about it, where would the world be without cash registers? Do you even know anything about the cash register besides the basics? Next, can you guess who invented the cash register, his name was James Ritty, He invented and patented the cash register in 1879. James Ritty lived from1836 to 1918 in Dayton,Ohio. James was an American tavern keeper and later became a saloon owner, but is mostly known for his evaluational invention. Col,Jeananda,”Inventors and Inventions from 1851-1900-The Second Half of the Nineteenth Century”, …show more content…

To work the machine a cashier would type in the prices for each item for the machine to add up, type in the amount paid by the customer, tells the cashier the amount of change due back, and after each sell a hole would be punched in paper tape by the machine so at the end of the day the cashier can add how many sells were done that day. Col,Jeananda,”Inventors and Inventions from 1851-1900-The Second Half of the Nineteenth Century”, ,Enchanted Learning,2010.September 10,2014. An invention that led up the cash register was the type writer created in 1867. An invention that the cash register had impacted the adding machine created in 1888. Walbert,David, “Growth and Transformation:The United States in the Gilded Age”,, LearnNC,2009,September 10,2014. Overall the cash register was made to make business

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