The Cask Of Amontillado Analysis Essay

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The Cask of Amontillado “My silence in not weakness but the beginning of my revenge” (hatem) Would be something Montresor would say many times on a various of different deaths he caused. Montresor is a very intriguing person, his mental health isn't the best which makes him very mischievous in many ways, and that's partly why I enjoy this story so much. In The Cask of Amontillado it is learned that revenge is very nice, if you don't get caught of course, which is a big factor throughout the story. You can connect to this story in many ways the story makes you think like never before the thoughts of serial killers can be very disturbing sometimes. Therefore the more you think about it the more it confuses you or makes you think what insane people think, act, and do. In The Cask of Amontillado their are two main characters Fortunato and Montresor. Montresor is not completely mentally stable and he is upset at Fortunato, why? No one really knows it's part of the mystery of the book. It makes you wonder what he did that was so bad that he had the need to want to murder Fortunato so burtittlity. This story takes place around the eighteenth-nineteenth century and that conclude to why they wear bells on their hats, also why they have caskets in their basements which are both big features when reading the story as you get to …show more content…

Although while he's doing that Fountidao seems to still think it's a prank or joke until he finally says the words “...for the love of god” which brings a sort of thrill to the story. A bit after he says that it seems that he doesn't want to except that he's going to die to then again he starts to laugh harder than ever. Montresor is still building up the wall almost done only one brink remains when he starts yelling at Fortunato but he doesn't answer as he seems to become frustrated he yells louder and finally covers the whole