
The Cask Of Amontillado Compare And Contrast Essay

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Have you ever read a story from Edgar Allen Poe? There are similarities and differences in both the print and movie versions of “The Cask Of Amontillado” By Edgar Allan Poe. There are similarities and differences in the characteristics of the characters and even some parts of the plot. This story is set in Italy in the 1900s. Montressor and Fortunato are the main characters of this story, in both the book and the movie. In the print version of “The Cask Of Amontillado,” Montresor pulls out a trowel from his coat, This happens in paragraph 65. This paragraph says “it is this, I answered, producing a trowel from beneath the folds of my roquelaure” I think that this is important because in print the narrators used this trowel as something to foreshadow what is to come. In the movie version, the narrators didn't have this scene, if you did not read the print version of this scene you may not have been able to catch on to this tiny bit of foreshadowing when he uses it to lock Fortunato in the bricks. In the passage about the trowel, it is used to show Fortunato that Montresor is part of the Masons. ( a builder and worker in stone.) …show more content…

In the movie, the director made Montresor short and stubby. I thought that he would be short because in paragraph 25 it says “ Montresor bowed him through several suites of rooms.” This made me think that he would wave to bow or duck through doorways and passages. I thought this would make him abnormally tall, not short. In the movie, he is very short and he looks like a child next to Fortunato. I think they did this to make Fortunato seem intimidating toward Montresor. The director might have wanted him to seem intimidating because they knew that Montreser would end up killing him and they wanted it to be a shock to the audience who is watching

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