The Causes Of Migration

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Migration is a social process in which human agency and social networks play a major part. Migration and social security recently is being more concerned subject because it gives rise to fears of loss of state control in recent days. After the end of cold war refugees flows and internal migration increased. It has closely linked the North-South relationship and also helped the social transformation process globally (Castles 2003). So to understand a contemporary society’s forced migration a detailed analysis is must. That’s why many important research have started to develop an empirical study on forced migration. There is some major gaps in how cultural context is conceptualized in cultural psychology studies on immigrants (Ramaswami 2013). …show more content…

It is possible to identify two principal causes that determine immigration to Russia. The first is internal: the Russian economy has developed in a relatively successful way, demands for expanding the labour force have increased and relatives of Russians, who formerly lived in the USSR are now living in CIS countries. The external cause of immigration to Russia lies in the fact that Russia has potent demographic resources nearby. China, India and the Central Asian states represent this potential. At present these countries are home to nearly half of the world’s population. Among numerous consequences of large-scale immigration to Russia is the formation and increase in the numbers of ethnic communities that occupy “niches” in some branches of the economy where they enjoy solid positions in business. The main migrant flow to Russia is channeled from the CIS countries. From 1993 to 2009 Russia received 7.1million persons from these former USSR countries. For the most part (approximately 60%) the migrants were ethnic Russians. Migration was and remains the important component of demographic and economic development of Russia and some regions. The data of the Russian statistical committee says that in 2009 international migration on 97% compensated natural decline in population of the country. At the regional level a situation with the migration role is differed. The first zone is characterized by migratory outflow of the population and covers thirty eight regions. And in thirty regions migratory outflow of the population coincides with the general reduction of a population. The second zone includes forty six territories of Russia in which inflow of migrants is marked, however only in sixteen of them migration or completely compensates a natural decrease or supplements a population natural increase. At present time, the