The Causes Of Teen Pregnancy In The Philippines

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” The latest teen pregnancy statistics is now alarming as the already high incidence in the Cordillera continue to increase”, National Youth Commission assistant secretary Cadena said. The teenage pregnancy is one of the most pressing issue concerning youths and teenagers not only in the Philippines but also the world. Its increasing rate is now alarming. From all the developing countries, only the case of the Philippines is increasing. The SunStar Baguio published that the rate of teen incidence in the Cordillera had increase by 45% in the first semester of 2017. And the worst is that those getting pregnant are also getting younger. Meaning more and more youths are involve usually aging from 15 to 19 getting pregnant. Indeed, adolescent is a stage marked by dramatic physical development. Some teenagers can be vulnerable and sexually active when coming to this stage. A report from the NATIONAL YOUTH COMMISSION just showed that the young are already exploring relationship at an early age. Almost 75% of 15 to 17 are already looking for an intimate partner, one major cause of an unintended pregnancy. In fact, an intimate relationship can also trigger the unwanted pregnancy. According to researches, teenage pregnancy is also associated with lack of educational intervention about contraception and including lack of awareness regarding this matters. A pregnant girl who is a child herself has a lot of consequences when gives