What Is The Central Argument In The Galatian Epistle

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In all of Paul’s writings an array of words are expressed to describe the workings of Christ. In many of these cases thorough exegesis is necessary to understand the true content and application for daily life. One of the heaviest that has caused a large amount of debate throughout history, and one that is imbedded in the book of Galatians, is justification. Nonetheless, the means that individuals receive this form of justice is through faith, and faith alone. This faith is the factor of response to the gospel message. The central argument in the Galatian epistle is whether one follows the “works of the law” or “faith in Jesus Christ.” Paul’s stance here encompasses that through the works of Jesus Christ, God has fulfilled the law and made …show more content…

If the destination of this letters lies in North Galatia there are two possible dates upon composition. The first is immediately after Paul’s visit to the Galatians (Acts 16:6) into the second missionary journey putting the composition between 50-52 A.D. Second would be early in Paul’s ministry to the Ephesians in Acts 19 (53-55 A.D.). Paul ventured to Ephesus following Galatia and most likely heard of believers abandoning their faith (Gal. 1:6). For the South Galatia hypothesis, there include two feasible dates for composition. It has already been mentioned with this hypothesis that the Council of Jerusalem has most likely not occurred. Therefore, this letter would have had to be written at a period prior to the convening of this council putting the date roughly during the year of 49 A.D. Paul’s first missionary journey aligns where this is soon after correlating with Galatians 1:6 explaining Paul’s intent for communicating in a speedily fashion. If this is not the case the letter was then composed sometime between the years 50 and 52 A.D. making Galatians one of Paul’s earliest letters (2016: …show more content…

Jewish Christian believers, known as the Judaizers, reside in or have come to Galatia in the purpose to spread their own gospel (Galatians 1:7; 5:10, 12). Some are even questioning Paul’s apostleship because they themselves claim to be apostles authorized by the Jerusalem church (1:9-11). This is why Paul goes in great length to describe his revelation from Jesus himself (1:11-24). Some scholars conclude these Judaizers were the same people Paul confronted in other cities where he preached. Keep in mind that these individuals were indeed believers in Jesus Christ, however they assert followers must also hold tight to the Law of Moses through circumcision and special days favored by God (2:16; 3:2, 21; 4:10, 21; 5:3-4, 11). Thereupon, one can see throughout the entirety of the letter Paul anxiously refutes these notions and states that these opponents are perverting the gospel (1:7). “Paul was not contesting their Christology but their version of what it would look like to follow Christ” (Matera 2007:197). Paul declares that Christ has fulfilled the law through his death and resurrection. Accordingly, all are justified by faith where, amusingly, the law stemmed from because Abraham first had faith preceding the law

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