The Chambermaid: An Analysis Of Bornet's Wife

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In Story 8, Bornet’s wife, makes a plan to teach her husband a lesson about his unfaithfulness after learning that her husband is enamored with the chambermaid. The maid tells her mistress, “that she could not stand being badgered by him any longer.” (The Norton Anthology World Literature, pg. 276) The mistress replies, “Be nice to him dear…make a date to go to bed with him…Don’t forget to tell me which night he’s supposed to be coming.” (The Norton Anthology World Literature, pg. 276) On the night Bornet is to meet the chambermaid, Bornet’s wife “had taken her maid’s place in the bed. (The Norton Anthology World Literature, pg. 276) It is unknown who enjoyed the evening more, Bornet’s wife who was deceiving her husband, or Bornet who thought