
The Change Of Gender Roles In Serena By Ron Rash

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The novel Serena was taking place in the Great Depression era. Ron Rash the author changes how normal things were suppose to be in to the complete opposite. Serena had huge impact on the way gender roles were flipped. Religion was huge in this time period and Ron Rash has one specific character he focused on that was religion crazy and did not act how most people did in this time period. People also thought that nature should just be left alone but throughout the book everything in nature was messed with. In the novel Serena, the natural order of gender roles, religion and nature are subverted because he flips the way gender, religion and nature roles were suppose to be back in that time period. Serena shows us how characters do not act how most women were suppose to act back then. Ron Rash flips the way gender roles were suppose to be. “ As he spoke, Serena stood beside him, dressed in black riding breeches and a …show more content…

Ron Rash shows us this character McIntyre who is the most religious character in the book. McIntyre thinks a little more of the Bible than most people he say McIntyre said “ The only signs you need to follow is in the Bible” (Rash 62). He is not wrong but he takes things to extreme. He thinks the world is going to end when he sees Serena with pants on and he tell us that snakes are going to fall out of the sky. He is so ready for the world to end and is really just a crazy character in the book even the ministers in the book kind of ignore him and pay him no attention. McIntyre talks all this talk and says he is ready for the end and he will will not be scared but when a snake came up to his foot he fell over and passed out so that made us think is he actually ready for the end or is he just talking the big talk. McIntyre is just kind of a crazy religious guy that people did not usually see back

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