The Characteristics Of The Mountain Lion

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It was an early morning awakening for a mother mountain lion with four cubs. She woke to vast mountains and the bright morning sun. Her stomach was winning with the dissatisfaction of emptiness and so were her cubs, so she took off into the vast mountains hoping for her next meal. She used her fur to blend in with her surroundings and luckily came upon a group of white tailed deer. She snuck upon the group then leapt on the large male buck and grabbed ahold of his throat; the fight was over in just a few minutes. There are many like her doing the same across the continent of North America. She brings the meal to her den, keeping herself and cubs happy once again. Frightening and beautiful, the mountain lion’s characteristics, range, habitat, and diet, combine to make it a fierce and majestic creature that is widely loved. Mountain lions across the world are called many different names such as puma, cougar, panther, and even catamount (Beier para 1). These names are just nicknames; the actual name for a mountain lion is Puma Concolor. The term puma is a Peruvian term and concolor is related to the fur of mountain lions (Beier para 2). Mountain lions are a part of the cat family and are a light tannish-looking color (Dewey para 5). Mountain lions are small compared to the other big cats; however, it is built like a tank by being muscular and having huge paws to be able to take down prey (Dewey para 5). The most closely associated big cat that shares many characteristics