Macbeth And Ahab Character Analysis

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The characters of Shakespeare's thrilling play Macbeth strongly resembles the characters of the story of Ahab found in 1 and 2 Kings. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are similar to Ahab and Jezebel primarily by both men's evil ambitions. In both stories the wives greatly influenced their husbands to do whatever it took to achieve what their selfish hearts wanted, in both stories this would be to commit murder for personal gain. Both stories resulted with consequences for their actions, which for most of these characters was death. In both stories we are introduced to Macbeth and Ahab who originally are portrayed as very noble men. Ahab was the king of Samaria and held a high place of leadership and Macbeth was called a hero. In the very beginning of the book a bleeding sergeant proclaimed, "For brave Macbeth — well he deserves that name — ..." (Shakespeare Act 1, Scene 2), he was considered a brave man. Unfortunately, their personalities were very quickly hindered . Both men allowed their ambitions to lead them to do unthinkable things, including murder. In Macbeth, Macbeth held a high position as a …show more content…

Macbeth and the biblical story of Ahab are similar in the way that two Nobel men, Macbeth and Ahab, allowed their sinful desires of land and power to rapidly lead them to take the life of someone else. Though Macbeth and Ahab were guilty, Lady Macbeth and Jezebel were equally responsible for the deaths of innocent people. They tempted their husbands to commit murder when they believed that was the only thing that would fulfill their husbands desires. Unfortunately, we saw that the result of both of these stories ended with terrible consequences. For most of the characters in these stories the result was their own lives. But Ahab, humbled himself before the Lord and repented for what he had done and received grace that saved his

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