In his book, Peter Winn attempts to explain how the Yarur mill - “symbol of social struggle” - takeover marked a turning point for the Chilean revolution, with workers as central protagonists. Winn bases his book on qualitative data, by using oral history with numerous interviews, direct quotations from workers alongside government statistics, private sector information, union minutes and external journalism. This approach gives an encompassing idea of how developments were happening the factory. He narrates the unfolding of the revolution from below, through the eyes of the workers, he quotes “This is their story, which I have tried to tell as much as possible through their eyes and words” (p.7). Finally, he explain how the idea of giving back Chile’s wealth to the workers started and died with the workers movement. …show more content…
Firstly, he puts light the crucial role of workers in the Chilean revolution, instead of focusing solely on the parties, Popular Unity and Allende, and therefore “furnishing more polemics or speculation about the behavior of the Chilean proletariat” (Paul Drake). Secondly, Winn presents another perspective on social transitions in Latin America, that is progressive and non-violent, differing from the majority of the literature focusing on violent military