The Colbert Report Essay

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For years, Stephen Colbert performed on his show "The Colbert Report" using his own developed persona. While he often makes jokes about being a real news reporter, he always denied being a true newsroom due to his sometimes opinionated and bias jokes. Using satire, he continued to inform his viewers of the happenings going on in our government and in politics all around the world. In an episode titled "President Obama Delivers the Decree," Colbert begins his opening statements to find President Obama arrive and surprise the audience. Obama care is considered to be politically divisive. Obama decides that, since Colbert continuously makes fun of him and his work as the President of the United States of America, then it was his turn to …show more content…

In the next episode I watched, titled “Thanks to the Nazis for Making Congress Actually Work,” Colbert begins by questioning why, in all of the amount of episodes that he has filmed, why is Congress still broken. There is a lot of “partisan ranker” in Washington D.C., where democrats say “po-tay-to” and republicans say “po-tah-to” and democrats say “to-may-to” and republicans say “leave john Boehner alone.” Nothing gets done in congress because of all of their opposing views until finally a new bill was approved by the house. This bill closed the loophole that allowed and suspected Nazis to collect social security. It was introduced to the House on November 19, 2014, and officially became a public law on December 18, 2014. It took less than a month for this bill to be passed, due to the fact that it was an easy decision. (All Info: No Social Security for Nazis Act). Before this bill was passed, any suspected Nazis could receive the same benefits as other regular citizens until they were deported. It was unanimously passed, titled “The No Social Security for Nazis Act.” Colbert claimed it is the “Most popular bill to come out of Congress since no pre-k for the KKK.” Obviously, the bill that Colbert jokingly mentioned does not exist, but it is just to further prove how ridiculous this whole situation even was. Why would we be giving any benefits to a Nazi in the first place, and how did that even become a loophole that was allowed for