The Color Purple is an American novel written by Alice Walker and published in 1982. It tells the story about an African American Woman life’s in the 20th century. Her story is mainly about Celie, a young African American woman in the Southern United States who is oppressed and raped her whole life. This story shows how Celie survives and overcomes to all the situations in her life. This novel won a Pulitzer prize and is written in letters to God and letters to Celie’s sister where we can see a not standard English language, just part of words that sounds as English. It has an adaptation film done by Steven Spielberg in 1985 Spielberg’s movie shows also the story of Celie; Celie has 14 years old and she is pregnant from his stepfather who …show more content…
Shug shows in her character good and compassionate feeling that develops a strong relationship between her and Celie. For me she represents independence in woman, because she does what she wants although she suffers for her absence with her children; meanwhile; Sofia is an independent woman who married Harpo (Mr._ son), she refuses to be oppressed by man and white people or anyone who try to abuse of her. She meets major’s wife who is impressed by the cleanliness of her children and offers Sofia to work as maid for her. Sofia offended refuses the offer and she is put into jail. After her sentence she is forced to work to Major’s wife as a part of her punishment. For me, Sofia represents the abuse of white power structure during the 20th century and also represents the fight for African Americans rights because she is free and happy after suffering many humiliations, she shows that white system at this period could not break the soul and dreams of African Americans; she is for me one of the best characters in the novel because she is showed as a reflection for all African American woman who fight and fronts all the difficulties in a unjust …show more content…
Also we can see how the author wanted to show the oppression of African American Woman and how this women front this problems. In my opinion Walker wanted to establish African American women rights and to call the attention about a real situation that were living many of women at that time. We can see violence against women and poor people and also differences between social classes and crisis of identity, Celie never found why she should be happy of being African American Woman until she learns about her race. Walker also wanted to show the African American woman strong and fight against oppression by man of all kind of race. The author also showed the difficulties in woman to get independence and freedom without being abused or repressed. In my opinion the major theme develop in this novel is the importance of woman for societies, the novel is mainly centered in different stories about women and their troubles for having equal rights, we can see many women and how they find comfort in another women. Another theme presented is men supremacy, the novel shows how men abuse and have some kind of power over woman in all the races presented. An example of this are Celie’s father, her husband and Mr._ father, they are all abusive men that utilized women as a sexual objects or a