The Color Purple Essay

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The Color Purple The title of the book The Color Purple by Alice Walker has a bigger meaning than it may seem. The title explains the way Celie, the main character, starts to view the things God does. This book shows that no matter how low and miserable a person’s life seems, with the push of a loved one and a lot of hard work, anyone can turn their life around. It also shows everything happens for a reason. The author is trying to explain how a person should not give up on themselves because of how society views them. Everything can be overcome in the long run. The color purple is brought up by Shug to Celie to help her understand why God does certain things and what he wants individuals to do to make him happy. Shug tells her that God …show more content…

At the beginning, Celie is physically dead, yet mentally alive because she does not control her whole life, nor is she happy. Her father and her husband both treat her as if she is not worth a single penny. They boss her around and abuse her physically and mentally. When Shug comes into her life, she helps Celie get away from her husband and become brave enough to start her pants business. Making pants makes Celie feel liberated from sexism and the racist society she lives in. With the help of Shug and her own courage to become someone in the world, Celie's pants business expands. She becomes a free woman in the biggest sense. She no longer relies on men, nor does she allow her society norms to stop her from making successful sales to both African-American and white American. In the book, the author explains how people should not let the society they live in define them, because if they do, they will only live miserable lives. At first, Celie lets society define who she is. What she really thinks is survival in what she feels is a cruel world. After she quits caring about what society thinks about her, she becomes successful and free. A person should not have to feel worthless in their own body. If they want something, they should do it. Society does not define an individual. It may try to, but it should not be allowed

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