After years of high school accomplishments, one aim to get into a top it can be for fame, higher and more advanced education, or perhaps future plans in getting high salary. Whatever the reason, getting into college is a top priority after completing the basic requirements of high school. However, the battle starts in choosing which university suites your entrance exams level.
In The Common App Fallacy, Damon Beres disputes the negative implications of Common Application on the value of college education. The author tends to elaborate the affect of the entrance scenario on students choosing what university they want, not obliged, to enroll in. Colleges have their entrance applications system to help them in choosing students who are suited for their programs only, wherein students choose the college they want to attend and do their best to pass the entrance application process. However, not always does the hard work for the entrance exams pays off. Students don’t choose to
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On the basis of facts and logic, Beres was able to perfectly found the fallacy of the Common App through the adjacency low admission percentage among colleges. For instance, for class of 2011, Brown University accepted 2,683 out of 19.059. He also used facts to show that the purpose of the App is to bring more applicants regarding what they deserve;” New York University is already a competitive institution… so it certainly doesn’t need the extra applicants from Common App brings in.” Moreover, the states that about nearly 100 universities, including Yale, is Common App exclusive, which shows that the college application process has turned into a “sterile business”. In addition, he presented an irony to persuade colleges not to be dazzled by the amount of money this App brings into the colleges, but rather on how colleges can do their best on getting best students to their