The Textile Industry

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Today’s scenario of producing goods is damaging the environment. The amount of resources textile and other industries are consuming will make us left with hardly any resources in future. Some are used within production process, i.e water, energy and other raw materials like toxic chemicals which have a disaster effect on our surroundings. Then these industries rely on transportation which requires additional use of resources (McDonough and Braungart 2002). From production of the fabric to factory and to your store, for a normal cotton T shirt, it requires 2650 litre of water (Hulme,2015). The study done in India and other neighbouring countries says that there will be huge water crises in the county by the year 2040 (Sharma,2014). From the …show more content…

There were people with required skills and later came the professional tailors (Kittler et al. 2003). The garments were repaired, recycled and mended within their households. With rapid increase in industrialisation, came in the invention with massive machines and power looms for production. This led to increase in the production at lower rates and hence making them available to mass population. Since the economic growth surged up, there was increase in level of consumption and continuous marketing of new products and disposal of old …show more content…

Fashion industry is loved for its new styles and creativity, the kind of influence it has done to people is commendable. However, the industrial production process has harmful effect on the environment not only during production stage but also during consumption stage. This industry has become one of the most polluting industries causing a severe damage to the planet. In addition to production and consumption waste, the retail models also generate huge amount of waste. The manufacturing process of textile industries include waving, dying, cutting, printing and later the waste generated from this field includes fibre waste, packaging, leftover cuttings, yarn spinning (ISCA journal,2015). From past recent years, the effect of fashion production has become even worse; this is due to the emergence of fast fashion which is producing low quality clothes at a very fast pace. The fast production cycle has lured more people to buy these products but due to its poor quality the rate of discarding has also gone up. In UK average person discards 30kgs of unwanted garments which ends up going to landfill and thereby polluting the environment (Allwood et al. 2006). The data collected from metropolitan cities in India like Bangalore, Delhi shows that maximum textile waste collected was from apparels and fabrics (BMTC, 2012). This