The Connotative Meaning Of The Monster

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The word “monster” has several denotative and connotative meanings. Merriam-Webster defines “monster” in five different ways, but they all boil down to one main point. Whether a monster is defined by its impact in a certain area or its abnormal size or shape, a monster is usually something or someone that deviates from the norm and is therefore generally feared. Interestingly, though not surprisingly, “monster” is believed to come from the Latin words monstrum, meaning “omen”, and monēre, meaning “to warn” (“Monster”). From a personal opinion, however, “Monster” has a more ambiguous meaning, matching its connotation rather than its dictionary definition. The word monster does not apply to a creature that is physically intimidating, but it describes the parts of an individual 's personality that allows them to perform purposefully harmful acts on innocents and feel justified. People hold many beliefs that allow them to do terrible things. Prejudice and arrogance, for example, can lead an individual to behave cruelly, even if they treat the people they approve of with respect and kindness. Any concept that puts one person above another in every-day, human worth is monstrous because it allows one person to feel justified in harming another, verbally or physically. Moreover, it is harmful to the one feeling the hatred. Quite often, the hatred of a certain group of people, specifically one whose only offense is some difference from another group, is the outward expression of an