Divine Justice In Richard III

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In Shakespeare 's Richard III, divine justice and supernatural elements are utilized in the form of prophetic dreams, curses, and ghosts which highlight Richard III guilt and ultimate demise. As a result of his physical deformity, Richard struggles to create genuine relationships with those around him. He attempts to combat fate by engaging his human agency to manipulate those around him. His position as an outcast in the English court deeply effects his view on fate and divinity. It is evident in the first three acts that Richard is vengeful toward those of "divine right". Furthermore, the supernatural plays a major role in exposing Richard 's evil deeds and draws a light on absolute truth and retribution. Unlike Shakespeare 's Henry VI plays, Richard III is especially focused on divine justice and the …show more content…

At the same time, Richmond is approached by ghosts that will guarantee his victory after he says a prayer. This scene shows how the alliance with prayer and religion ensures victory in the play. As the play comes to an end, Richard is met by the ghosts of the people he betrayed. The individual ghosts sentence him to death on the battlefield. In Act 5, the ghost of King Henry VI condemns Richard for killing and puncturing the body of "God 's King". Shakespeare 's use of retribution and paying for ones ' sins and evil deeds are encapsulated in the closing acts. Richard III fight with divine justice comes to an end as he is met with fate and consequence. In the closing act of the play, Richmond goes into battle with the mindset that he is fighting for God 's will. In contrast, Richard enters the battle accepting his villainous character. These contrasting mindsets underline Shakespeare 's use of religion and spirituality and its influence on characters ' fate. When Richard dies in battle, Richmond 's victory restores the peace in "God 's"