The Consequences Of Rule Breaking In 'Matched'

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The Consequences of Rule Breaking shown in Matched Jealousy, love, betrayal, friendship problems, and rule breaking, these are all topics shown in the book Matched by Ally Condie. Matched tells the story of Cassia who has just found out her match is her best friend Xander, but that's when she notices Ky. Ky is a boy Cassia meets while hiking, that’s when she realizes she has feelings for him, when she really shouldn’t. That’s when the reader realizes the story’s use of rule breaking, that being in a society may make people break rules that they don’t want to. The author’s use of setting, symbolism, and repetition, shows the outliers of breaking rules and what to learn from them. Setting plays a big part in Matched. Which is going to be the first topic that the author discusses. For example, one very …show more content…

For example, one of the more heartfelt moments is when Cassia breaks the news to Xander. “He’s shaking his head and saying “No” putting up his hand to stop me before I say more.” (Condie, 305). Xander has had his heart completely broken and torn when he finds out about Cassia and Ky. When he finds out he's confused and shocked how she got away with it and how she chose Ky over him after all he did for her. And, how she didn’t tell him before. Furthermore, taken from what’s other is compacts. “Ky gave it back to you this morning, didn’t he? “No” “My heart drops. Where is my compact?” (Condie, 166),. Compacts are a very important item to somebody and if it’s stolen or lost there could be severe consequences. This explains why the author wrote Cassia so worried in this part, knowing she broke a rule. In one part of the book, Cassia’s home is raided by police. The police explain that Cassia’s father had a compact that wasn’t his, and how it could lead to severe consequences if she did it. This ties back into what Cassia is feeling as she finds out Ky took her compact, and worried that his home may be taken advantage