Normalization Of Violence Essay Sociology

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Violence is not only a behavior that involves physical force with the purpose to hurt, damage, or kill someone; which at a specific moment can be felt as pain. It´s also about memory and remembers. Some people might affirm that this is true and the main purpose of violence is to hurt and damage people or a group of them for a long time. In the real society having a little less violence, doesn't mean that people have forgotten the vehement actions of past years. As the genocides or mass murders which are things that people tend to remember because of their size, those memories keep on the minds of the survivors, their families and the rest of the world. The problem is that even if these crimes against humanity occurred and left horrible consequences for a country or a group of them times have changed and as a result things today are not taken in the same way as …show more content…

But when it happened several times people get aware to this violence, and the situation gets normalized or that common that people ignore what´s happening around them and in some cases even becomes accepted. This turns people insensible and blind of the terrific actions committed around them. The normalization of violence leads to other atrocious things for example genocides and mass killings, which by the way, are completely different. People tend to confuse these meanings because they have similar characteristics, but they are different; "mass killing" has been set as a period of constant violence in which at least 1,000 nonnative civilians are intentionally killed because of the chaotic circumstances, by the other side "genocides" are periods where non-active civilians have been kill because of their religion, beliefs, and race; plus 10,000 dead people, then it turns into genocide. In both, it exists a normalization of violence caused by a long-term period of