The Constitutional Convention: The Vote For Abolishing Slavery

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After completing the process of the Constitutional Convention, I have learned an exceptional amount of information that can be used to take on the real world. During the convention there were many factors that impacted how the convention was run, and what choices were made. The preliminary discussion topics, the lessons learned, and the factions represented in the convention all modified the ending result. Each of the preliminary discussions with other factions prior to the convention were very important to the final decisions made. Slavery, a very important topic during the convention, was one such example that branched out into other different issues including slave trade and the abolishment of slavery. The vote for abolishing slavery impacted the discussions of the slave trade in basic and unusual ways. While the southern plantation owners and farmers wanted to vote for keeping slavery and the slave …show more content…

During the real Constitutional Convention held in 1787, slaves were not represented, making votes for abolishing slavery likely to fail. However, in this Constitutional Convention slaves were represented, which changed the passing and failing of certain motions. During all the motions involving slavery and slave trade, the faction consisting of slaves voted against anything and everything that would keep them from having their freedom. If that faction was removed and the discussion was only between the bankers/merchants, workers, southern plantation owners, and farmers, the evidence against and for why it is a good or bad reason would have changed. Most of the representatives during the real convention consisted of wealthy gentry men and politicians who owned some slaves, land, and bonds that gave them enormous amounts of profit. The opinions of these men were different from the choices made during our reenactment, because of the factions represented during the final