Ibn Battuta's Journey To India

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Introduction: Ibn Battuta was a Moroccan native who travelled the world for thirty years. He visited different continents and far of countries and stay there for longer period of time to access the diversity of different cultures. Ibn Battuta is perhaps the only Medival traveller who visited the territory of every known Muslim ruler. He also visited the modern day Sri lanka , China and Russia, his travels are estimated to be about 75,000 miles which could not have been surpassed by anyone until the steam engine emerged. Ibn Battuta started his travels through the Middle East and then worked his way through Asia and eventually India. My special emphasis of this article is on his travels to India, and while he was there what kind of situations …show more content…

He met many dangers on his way, he was attacked by the bandits, he almost got his head be-headed by a ruler and to add the spice he almost got himself drowned in a sinking ship south of India. He married few times and fathered many children. Ibn Battuta enters India: Ibn Battuta entered India through the mountains of Afghanistan, following the footsteps of Turkish warriors. These Turkish rulers from central Asia replaced the local Hindu leaders with Turks from Afghanistan and conquered and united a large area almost to the tip of the subcontinent. But these Muslim sultans in Delhi were not Safe, They faced continued opposition from the Hindu majority in India. But the armies of the Sultan Muhammad Tughluq in Delhi had defeated them again and again and threw them back into the river. Slowly India was becoming more firmly controlled by the Muslim leaders. Hindus were even converting to Islam though very few did this in the beginning but it happened eventually and finding jobs in the new government. They recognized the advantages of becoming Muslims as they did not had to pay the taxes imposed on the Hindus by the Muslim government. Also in this way they could find much better jobs in the state machinery. Muslim’s hold on