The Controversial Issues Of Outsourcing

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In today’s society, outsourcing has become a very critical and controversial issue for companies and other countries. Outsourcing is also known as offshoring an organization’s use of an outside organization for a broad set of services. As technology continues to grow and advance, outsourcing becomes more popular. Many American white-collar jobs are being taken over by foreign countries around the world. Almost every occupation or career in the United States has some effect of the outsourcing. As a result, many Americans become unemployed and financially challenged; being that outsourcing can increase the United States unemployment rate. Employees who live in the US rather keep jobs in the country to create more opportunities. On the other …show more content…

Then, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 put a void in the company’s plans Swissair found itself hamstrung with debt. Unlike some other airlines, however, Swissair could not handle the financial hit. Mismanagement and bad ideas—trundling large sums of cash to purchase fuel at foreign airports, for example—left the airline gasping for oxygen. In 2002, Switzerland was embarrassed to lose its national icon for good” (Knufken 6). This example proves that without the right management controlling the company, it will …show more content…

Within any business, human resources staff is in charge of recruiting new employees, firing employees, handling problems or issues and an extensive variety of other functions. Many companies lean on HR professionals to carry out these tasks while other companies rely on outside companies to handle HR matters. Hiring and firing decisions must be made without any discrimination at all. Human Resource must take their time and carefully eliminate any bias from the hiring and firing process by making sure such actions adhere to company standards. It is very noticeable that the word outsourcing really scares existing employees in companies. The thought of outsourcing creates a sense of caution among employees and eager them to search for a better job. Some employees cannot move out of the country for a job because of health, family, or financial issues. This is a real issue that creates a bad employee relations and publicity. The additional HR function is affected by outsourcing is training. HR has trouble in filling job openings because only few people have the skills and abilities to work the position. On the other hand, new employees have to go through serious training before they can work. For companies that outsource runs into problems when employees quit because it takes a while to recruit a replacement for the job. HR also has to deal with interpersonal issues. For instance, when an

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