The Correlation Between Religion, Conflict, And Violence By Craig Martin

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Religion is an interesting subject that carries many different feelings with it. One of the most controversial parts of religion is the violence that comes with it. However, is this violence caused because of the religion itself, or because those who end up performing violent acts are just too engulfed in the ties of their religion as a whole? When a lot of people pray, they are praying for peace. For love. Why is it that these religious beliefs are held so close to humans to the point where sometimes people are willing to harm another group of individuals, or even themselves? In this essay, the relationship between religion, conflict, and violence will be discussed further to see what the true motive is behind a lot of people’s decisions when …show more content…

In his writing, “Why do people fight so much over their religious beliefs,” Martin brings up an everyday situation to better his explanation for this ideology. He states how someone’s coworkers more than likely do not care what someone else’s religious beliefs are. Nobody is going to work and complaining about other people's religions. Instead, this comparison is used to simplify the divide that has come to fruition between people of differing religions. Religion is just something that people can put the blame on, but it is not the cause of the problem …show more content…

Being a long-time underrepresented minority in Egypt, the Coptic Christians have endured prejudice and persecution from both the government and the country's Muslim majority. In Alexandria in 2011, a Coptic church was bombed, but this wasn't only because of theological disagreements; it was also the consequence of long-simmering emotions about the minority Copts' unfair treatment. Regardless, those that were affected rallied around each other to create a social movement for the Coptic Christians. This is exactly how religion should be utilized: a way for people to come together in a time of