The Country's Going Through A Rough Spell Summary

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People don’t know how to spell anymore! This skill is becoming increasingly rarer in America. “The Country’s Going Through A Rough Spell” by Bob Greene, is about how more and more Americans do not know how to spell correctly. Bob Greene is dismayed by the Americans’ egregious spelling. Every letter he reads has some mistake. Letters from students, businessmen, executives, secretaries and even teachers all have misspellings. Furthermore, people are too lazy to look up a word they do not know how to spell. It is a simple step to take, but people are not completing it. That’s the saddest part about the Americans’ disability to spell. Misspelling words show a lack of discipline and a willingness not to care. I interviewed my mom, Irene Sinyavin. I interviewed her because I know she will give me excellent answers that I can work with.
My mother thinks that it is important to know how to spell. She believes misspellings show laziness, a lack of discipline, and a lack of care. My mom thinks that knowing how to spell is a responsibility, and she admires people who still care about doing it correctly. When …show more content…

Terrible spelling does show laziness, a lack of discipline and a lack of care. I support my mom’s idea that spell check on the computer is making Americans terrible at spelling. This subject should not be taught the same way in America as in Russia. Russian schools teach this topic too harshly. It is too harsh to drop an assignment’s grade when a student misspells a few words! I also don’t support my mom’s opinion that we should go back to our old customs and handwrite our work in school instead of doing it on the computer. I understand that it would help with our spelling skills, but doing work on computers is much neater and faster. Spelling is always a salient skill to have, even in the age of technology, because it may sometimes come in handy. In conclusion, terrible spelling is becoming more and more common in