The Creoles: The Latin American Revolution

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In Latin American Revolution before the revolution there were four main social classes; on the bottom there were the slaves and the Indians, then there were the Mulattoes (who were of African and Spanish descent) and the Mestizos (who were of Spanish and Native American descent), then the Creoles (who were of pure Spanish blood, but were born in America), and at the very top there were the Peninsulares (they were of pure Spanish descent and were born in Spain). The Creoles lead the fight against Spain because they wanted higher social status within their own lives, more political control over their own lives, and they were tired of Spain having total control over their economy. The Creoles weren 't allowed to do many things simply because they were born in America and not Spain, it didn’t matter that they were of pure European descent. Creoles were not allowed to hold political positions, only the Peninsulares were able to. For example, in 1807 only 12 of the 199 judgeships were held by Creoles, the rest were held by Peninsulares. The viceroys, who were the Spain-appointed governors, who always came from Spain rarely, consulted with the Americano leaders. This came to …show more content…

Alan knight explains "In 1808-1809 drought produced a great mortality among Mexico 's livestock and decimated [destroyed] the harvest... Food prices tripled. As in the past, agrarian [agricultural] crisis soon affected the rest of the economy." [[[[{{{}}}]]]] As Juan Pablo Viscardo said in his An Open letter to America “The Spanish restrictions on travel and commerce sealed America off from the rest of the world limiting our basic personal and property rights… we in America are perhaps the first to be forced to be forced by our own government to sell our products at artificially low prices and buy what we need at artificially high prices.” [[[[[]]]]]]] These Economic problems only added to the Creoles anger towards