The Crucial Role Of Crow Indian Culture In Two Leggings

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In conclusion, even though the Crow Indian tribe did not have a set constitution, Two Legging’s memoir provides repeating themes that allow historians to approximate important aspects of Crow society. Throughout Two Leggings’ memoir, we can infer that the five key aspects of Crow society involved; warrior culture, religion, medicine bundles, respecting elders and medicine men, and lastly hierarchy within the tribe. It is important to note, that while most of these aspects overlap, they each play a crucial role in the formation of the Crow Indian culture, and way of life. Men like Two Leggings dreamed of becoming a warrior and eventually a chief. They wanted to be able to take care of the tribe and be rewarded for it through dancing and singing. When people follow the given hierarchy, they were more successful in their endeavors because they had gained the respect of the elders. In Two Legging’s case, he never achieved chief status; the highest position he went was pipe holder. Even so, Two Leggings’ determination and commitment to the tribe is evident throughout his memoir. When he followed the directions of the elders, then his raids were successful and the entire tribe celebrated with feasts and dancing.

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