
The Crucible Reputation Essay

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The Salem witch trials were a series of court trials held during the colonial times in Salem Village, Massachusetts. Up to twenty people were executed by hanging after being accused of witchcraft. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is a play that retells the stories of the Salem witch trials while incorporating some a few of Miller’s imaginative ideas. One of the major driving forces in The Crucible is coveting a good name because in the town of Salem, one’s good name holds him at a high status and ties in to his credibility. With that, reputation has proven to be a vital theme in the play, shown by John Proctor’s actions in court and Reverend Parris’ fear of a tarnished name. Primarily, John Proctor, a highly respected man in the town of Salem, had a secret affair with Abigail Williams, a manipulative, yet highly respected seventeen …show more content…

After Parris saw Abigail and the girls dancing in the forest, he realized his household could very well be “the very center of some obscene practice” and his initial thoughts regard the possible danger to his reputation if the people of Salem find out that his relatives are engaging in witchcraft (pg). He expressed to Abigail and Mary that their actions could ruin his longing fight “to bend.. stiff necked people to [him]” indicating that the girls can possibly ruin the good name he worked hard to achieve (11). Parris later continued to scold Abigail, disregarding his daughter Betty in her critical state, about potentially ruining his name, now that “good respect is rising for [him] in the parish” (11). In addition, during the trials, Parris was aware of the fact that the people being accused were actually innocent, but refuses to vouch for them because as the bible would be contradicted. Parris would rather watch people being wrongly accused than to damage his name, showing his care for himself and his name

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