The Crucible Social Class Essay

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Social class is widely used throughout Arthur Millers, The Crucible. Social class is defined as a division of a society based on social and economic values. The Crucible is set in 1693 Salem where people believed that you could send your soul out to possess another body. These accusations change depending on your social class ranking. For example, Reverend Parris was a respected reverend and wouldn't be thought of as a witch; however, the lower class citizens were easily accused of such absurdities. When talking about social class the sub theme that is also brought up is reputation, and how reputation can differ depending on your social class. For example Thomas Putnam states that “We vote by name in this society, not by acreage.” The second point that will be brought up in …show more content…

Your social reputation is going to affect the way you are both seen and heard in the play as you may either be a respected person or someone that no one trusts. “I cannot blink what I saw Abigail, my enemies will not blink it.” This quote that was spoken by Reverend Parris in the beginning of act one can be found on page 20 of the play, if you break it down further he is saying that he can't say he saw nothing in fact, he saw them trying to consort with the devil, however he can't tell anyone because it would ruin his reputation at the church and what he has been preaching will be irrelevant if it was to come to light. This is also an example of nepotism as he favours Abigail, if this were another character in the play he probably wouldn't have cared at all and would have screamed her out as a witch. This was a protection scheme for himself because as long as no one knows he can continue to be a respected reverend and he won't ever be accused of consorting, or worshipping the devil. This is part of social class and how the position you hold may quite literally be the definition between life and