The Dangers Of Bullying In Idaho

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Bullying “People who repeatedly attack your confidence and self-esteem are quite aware of your potential, even if you are not” spoke Wayne Gerard Trotman. Bullying can occur physically (pushing) and mentally (name calling) in every age group. In Idaho, bullying is a huge issue that does not get paid much attention and as a result, bullying has gotten worse. Bullying is defined as strength or influence on others to do as one wants. Such as derogatory language towards others and putting people down in their lows. Idaho’s community is the biggest portion of bullying being conflicted on high school students. In Idaho, not only high school kids are being targeted, elementary kids are being bullied just as bad. For example, an Idaho Statesman discusses …show more content…

Specifically, a former high school student discussed about her incident, “Rylee Driscoll was a student at Rocky Mountain High School in Meridian when fellow students began harassing her online” (Webb). Going off this, students continuously talked about how she was the “rudest person ever” and it blew up on social medias in an instance. They would start messaging her and harassing her ore to the point it became hard for her to attend school. It obviously impacted her in ways it impacted other students that went through similar situations. For instance, US News claimed, “One in five Idaho high school students say they have been cyberbullied” (Webb). It was not just Rylee who struggled, but more and more kids are continuously going through it in Idaho especially. To really give more of a visual, that is about 21.1% being cyberbullied in Idaho. That is the highest rate in the United States. So many easily targeted kids ae being bullied or cyberbullied. But therefore, there is not just cyberbullying or on school grounds bullying happening, there has become more to …show more content…

In fact, on Idaho Called article it says, “A new study and students think Idaho has a bully problem, but school districts officials didn’t believe them” (Idaho Called). Kids are constantly talking about the bullying problems like the school districts and administrators tell us what to do, but they seem to ignore it a lot. They will mainly do something if the issue is already major, but they could deal with it earlier so it does not become a major issue. Another example is, “Students that spoke to KPVI agree with the study, but school district 25 officials don’t” (Idaho Called). It is sad that so many schools will say they are bully free zone but do not actually do what they say. A few things we could do to help us have administrators interact with kids more so we feel more comfortable with them so we could talk to them about our issues more often. Also, as us kids and some parents that do worry and step in, to not give up and continue fighting so bullying in the state of Idaho could lower down its

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