The Debate On The Morality Of Abortion

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Abortion is the second most performed surgical procedure in the United States. For over forty years, the question of whether abortion should be legal or illegal has been a highly compelling and controversial topic all over the world. People believe that abortion should be illegal due to the health risks, the emotional effect on women and the morality of abortions. Just like any surgical procedure, there are many fatal complications that patients can encounter. Complications that follow an abortion procedure are heavy bleeding, infection, damage to the cervix, scarring of the uterine lining, damage to internal organs, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis and even death. There are four different types of abortion: spontaneous, induced, therapeutic, eugenic and elective. Spontaneous abortions occur naturally with no outside intervention meaning the woman had either a miscarriage or a missed implant, while induced abortions are generated by outside intervention. Therapeutic …show more content…

Pro-life supporters believe human life begins right after fertilization. After the twenty-week mark, fetuses show various signs of viability, which has become the determining factor of abortions. On October 3rd, 2017, the United States House passed a bill followed by “pro-life” supporters, that banned abortions after twenty weeks. Studies show that unborn children from as early as twenty weeks old can feel pain and are able to survive outside of the womb if given the correct treatment. These signs of viability have led to the need of consideration for the rights of the unborn child when it comes to abortion. The president of March for Life, Jeanne Mancini states that “this bill would not only save 20,000 lives every year, but would educate the public on the humanity of the unborn person and affirm the science of fetal pain early in

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