The Destruction Of Morality In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Our generation has grown up in a world with developed technology. We couldn’t imagine a world without iPhone’s, computers, television, etc. Our oldest generation is concerned about our blinded trust in technology. These fears have always haunted mankind and we’ve communicated these fears through literature. In Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, she shows us through Victor that our trust in technology will ultimately destroy our morality. In the early chapters we see that Victor is already teetering between being a romantic and a scientist. His thirst for knowledge finally overtakes him as he’s off to university. “[Victor] delighted which [he] desired to…learn the hidden laws of nature” (Shelley 22). What Mary Shelley shows through Victor’s statement is that in her time period, men were moving away from the romantic side of life into the unknown. Scientists were delving into topics that weren’t ever discovered. Victor was already beginning to explore the unknown world in which was left for only the heavens to know.
Victor’s father advises him that natural philosophy was a waste of time but the night that Victor saw the …show more content…

The creature that he abandoned took away his loved ones. “Again do I vow vengeance; again do I devote thee, miserable fiend, to torture and death. Never will [Victor] give up my search until he or [Victor] perish” (182). Victor at this point has lost everything he’s ever known, and is forever consumed by his hatred of the creature and lost his sense of reality. In Frankenstein, Victor’s sense of morality is destroyed by the dark side of human nature and technology. Mary Shelley makes a statement through Frankenstein to call to attention that mankind is moving away from the natural healing forces of nature and stepping into the dark unknown of technology. She shows that if humans don’t have a sense of balance between the two, we could ultimately destroy our morals and nature