The Diagnose, Adapt And Communication Essay

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After completing all the Module 7 readings, there was a few concepts I could really relate to. This module dealt with leaders influencing their subordinates through various methods. The main concept I really took out of this module was located in the Leader Influence chapter. The Diagnose, Adapt and Communication (DAC) concept was the main point I wanted to take out of this module. Learning about this concept will help me with my leadership influence with my subordinates that I currently have and any future personnel that I’ll be leading. The key points of DAC are being able to diagnose your area of responsibility within the unit to determine the current state of affairs. Some of these areas include morale, esprit de corps, discipline, and proficiency. As a leader, I would need to assess the personnel within the unit to gauge what items of interest are needed for them to continue their development. The effectiveness of the unit is based upon the proper placement of personnel and resources. By looking at the current and future roles, I’ll be able to determine the resources or leadership actions the unit needs to foster the environment for …show more content…

This area deals with adapting your leadership style to first meet the needs of the Air Force and then the needs of your Airmen. This concept is used to help develop Airmen, so that in the future, they can have increased responsibilities within their job. With the unit properly diagnosed, a leader is able to determine the style of leadership that best fits the situation. Many leaders have a set style they use as their default setting, but a great leader is able to adapt their style to meet the needs of the situation. The four main leadership styles are Authoritarian, Country Club, Impoverished, and Team Leader. They all have their time and place when they need to be utilized. The key is knowing when to use each style based on the task at hand or the relationship with the