The Dred Scott Decisions That Led To The Civil War

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Many things led to the Civil war. One being slavery. The debate over the future of slavery had brought many trails and with the help of other disputes soon led to war. The Northern and Western states where fighting to purify the union. While the South fought to gain independence under its own constitution.The Northern and Southern states had disagreed upon many things between slavery. Even though they had felt the same fear in abolitionist . Thinking of the word and pay that would decrease by freeing the people. Jobs would soon become limited, because the simple fact that slave workers or now African Americans frre would work longer hours for less pay.The south said that the slaves were necessary for the development of the culture. So while the Southern and Northern states had their disagreements they also had the same point of view with certain things. The north feared that the abolitionist …show more content…

It was one of the main over turns to the Missouri Compromise of 1820. Dred Scott was a slave who wanted citizenship and yet,turned to the American legal system to find it. That also turned over to the Supreme Court.The Supreme Court then died his request stating that no African American blood people could become citizens.Dred Scott Compromise did not go as well planned as he had expected at that time but,things latter let to a more severe case. The Missouri Compromise. States Rights, one of the other reasons that led to Civil War.It was mostly the struggle between the federal government and individual states over political power.This was looked at mainly toward the fact of abolishingf slavery within its own state.They had dissagreements on if the abolishing of slavery was the right decision.And if the federal government had the right to make a final decison on the slave trade category. They argued that the state should only be allowed certain rights. And that the supreme court should make the final