The Drinking Age Should Stay At 21 Essay

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Consumption of alcohol is illegal in the United States by everyone under the age of 21. This law doesn't eliminate underage drinking and can create harm, but many still believe the law saves many lives each year. Although the law reduces some issues, it creates others. "alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug among youth in the United States,” (“Underage Drinking” 1). The topic of what the legal minimum drinking age has many opinions. Supporters and critics make arguments on whether the drinking age law should be changed. Drinking alcohol is an issue that has been around for a long time and has caused debates about whether or not it should be legal at all. Drinking alcohol has been around for a very long time and was used for …show more content…

The first reason opponents wish to lower the legal drinking age is because it can create unsafe drinking environments. According to Minimum Drinking Age, The law causes under age participants to secretly drink their alcohol to prevent getting caught which leads to unsupervised and unsafe environments and habits, (1). This explains that if the legal drinking age were lower, young people wouldn't have bad drinking habits. Another reason the drinking age should be lowered is because it causes teens to yearn. John Gordon suggests that when people under the age of 21 are “unable to drink in public” it causes “college-age people drink in dorm rooms, basements, and fraternity houses,” (1). This evidence shows how the law Wat eliminate their consumption of alcohol was under each people because they will still find a way. Further, Other countries have lower minimum drinking age laws. The article Minimum Drinking Age Explain saw the United States has one of the world's highest minimum drinking ages, but drinking in other countries is often times safer. This proves that age is not the issue, whereas it is clearly the issue of responsibility. For these reasons, the minimum drinking age should be lower than

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