The Duality Of Harry Haller's Steppenwolf

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Steppenwolf is a great story that covers the duality of a man named Harry Haller who calls himself the Steppenwolf because he believes that he is a wolf of the Steppes. The duality of Harry Haller can relate to many people nowadays. Almost everyone has a personality that they allow people to see but there is a whole different side to them that people don’t see or rarely see. Harry Haller’s duality is between his fun, free spirited, pleasure seeking life and his intellectual, caring, and struggles for the ideals of humanity life. This can also be explained as his Steppenwolf side and his human side. These two sides to Harry Haller are at odds his whole life and has isolated himself because of this duality and has become lonely because he doesn’t feel any connection to the world.
The first world that Harry Haller experiences is the world of “JOLLY HUNTING. GREAT HUNT IN AUTOMOBILES.” This can also be recognized as the world of war that was raging between humans and machines. During this war, Henry Haller and his fellow companion, Gustav, hide in a tree and are firing at cars passing by. When someone comes by and takes goods from an enemy car and is spared by Henry Haller and Gustav because his actions were said to be harmless and peaceful. Henry Haller and Gustav soon become ashamed of their actions. In the Magic Theater, Henry Haller sees both sides of himself at the same time for the first time when he looks into the mirror and doesn’t like what he sees. He