Ap Euro Dbq Essay

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Thesis: The Dutch were infuriated by the Hapsburg rulers of Spain and openly opposed them due to the way in which the rulers imposed a ridiculous amount of religious intolerance and taxation which led to the Dutch Revolt. Contextualization: Iconoclast riots in the Netherlands Tax revolts and refusal to pay Pacification of Ghent - alliance of northern Dutch independent states to drive Spanish out of their countries. Body Paragraph #1 Topic sentence: Because the Dutch were dominantly Protestant and the Spanish were primarily Catholic, the religious disputes between each country assisted in political tensions. Doc. #2 Description of Document: The Dutch were explaining how they believed in “freedom to express their opinions” of religion …show more content…

Doc. #1 Description: The Dutch city of Ghent in nearly its entirety revolted against the taxes which were forced upon them. Analysis: Because “His Majesty” King Philip of Spain refused to settle on soldiers rather than money and threatened the Dutch, a tax revolt broke out. If Philip had settled for men for the army (which the money was going toward) then there would have been fewer problems and tensions between him and the Dutch Doc. #4 Description: A Dutch prince stands against the Spanish cruelty with a declaration directed toward his subjects. Analysis: (M): William the Silent (of Orange) was looking to accentuate and somewhat embellish the atrocities committed against the Dutch by appealing to his subjects. William labels the Spanish as the enemies to incite an uprising and revolt against the Spaniards. Doc. #5 Description: Document 5 depicts Spaniard standing over a heap of Dutch bodies with soldiers next to bodies strewn everywhere. Analysis: The city was sacked because the Dutch refused to pay money to Philip II. Antwerp was the financial center of the Netherlands Evidence beyond the