The Earth And Its People Chapter 1 Summary

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In chapter 1 of the earth and its people by john the first chapter is about how we as humans came about starting from the Homo sapiens who had a more developed brain than the other type of subspecies humans that came before the Homo sapiens such as the Homo erectus or the Neanderthals who had a less developed brain. Initially the Homo sapiens were first known to come from Africa nearly 400,000 and 100,000 years ago as they evolved from being a Homo habilis and a Homo erectus.
After their evolution the Homo sapiens became mostly known for being able to use their minds to do things such as make tools, hunt animals, draw paintings and speak or use some form of language. Which allowed them to form hunter-gatherer societies were the women would gather bulks of berries, nuts and plant which was the most stable source of food income that the groups could rely on. …show more content…

Secondly, throughout the second part of chapter 1 humans began to go through a process called the agricultural revolution in which humans began to domesticate animals and plants for things like cultivating new and more foods such as rice in China and corn in Mesoamerica. While the domestication of some animals such as the dog was used to track animals or game and the horse was used to go to one place to another.
However that wasn't the only use for animals as their droppings served as a great fertilizer that for farming. But at the same time those droppings. Would affect those communities as diseases was brought on humans by those animals that they had lived with. Yet with all these things happening life in the Neolithic communities wasn't too bad except for the farmers who had to provide for the non-Farmers such as monks and Craftsman etc. Which made farming life more dangerous and harder for farmers to produce surpluses of food for their